Extending your

Extending your
If you have arrived here and found this message, you will see that we are a little optimistic. You are here and we are not ready. Sorry about that. August 2020 is our current website launch.
David Whiting is a lawyer. He is married to Marie, who trained as a nurse. Over many years the assistance that David has given to some of his clients has expanded to much that is not legal work by any stretch of the imagination. Supporting people who need support, either due to the stage in their life or a transition that they are undergoing.
The website (when finished) will be a better explanation than this, but an indication of what they do may best be illustrated by a story.
Noreen’s story
Noreen had lived in the same big house for around 50 years. First with her mother and her brother and then alone, after they died. She came to see David about a reverse mortgage and came again when she was due to go into hospital leaving with a little tin box containing her personal papers and collecting it when she was released. Another time she asked David to come to the hospital to pick up the box because she had been an urgent admission.
Again Powers of Attorney and a Will were put in place and from time to time she would contact us, usually from hospital.
Then one call came from the police, she was again in hospital. She agreed that she would not be able to return home. It was time to find a nursing home that met her needs for privacy, and some unusual dietary requirements. The aged care facility was located, the move took place, and Noreen was settled.
The home was sold, the reverse mortgage paid out, the bond at the aged care facility paid and the balance invested in accordance with her instructions. She was very certain about how these investments were to be structured on her behalf. The vagaries of the share market were not for her.
Over the next few years we visited her regularly and arranged for her to be taken to medical appointments as and when required. She had some cousins who visited her, but she never told us about them, and she never told them about us. We met at them at her funeral.
For Noreen, we acted as her back stop – doing the things that she could not do herself in periods when she was in hospital, and as her health failed. We ultimately assisted in her transition to full time care and the sale of her property, and would discuss her concerns with her when we visited. David was the executor of her estate.

Noreen’s story
Noreen had lived in the same big house for around 50 years. First with her mother and her brother and then alone, after they died. She came to see David about a reverse mortgage and came again when she was due to go into hospital leaving with a little tin box containing her personal papers and collecting it when she was released. Another time she asked David to come to the hospital to pick up the box because she had been an urgent admission.
Again Powers of Attorney and a Will were put in place and from time to time she would contact us, usually from hospital.
Then one call came from the police, she was again in hospital. She agreed that she would not be able to return home. It was time to find a nursing home that met her needs for privacy, and some unusual dietary requirements. The aged care facility was located, the move took place, and Noreen was settled.
The home was sold, the reverse mortgage paid out, the bond at the aged care facility paid and the balance invested in accordance with her instructions. She was very certain about how these investments were to be structured on her behalf. The vagaries of the share market were not for her.
Over the next few years we visited her regularly and arranged for her to be taken to medical appointments as and when required. She had some cousins who visited her, but she never told us about them, and she never told them about us. We met at them at her funeral.
For Noreen, we acted as her back stop – doing the things that she could not do herself in periods when she was in hospital, and as her health failed. We ultimately assisted in her transition to full time care and the sale of her property, and would discuss her concerns with her when we visited. David was the executor of her estate.
If Noreen’s story touches a nerve, now is the chance to do something about it. David was Noreen’s back up plan. If you have one, review it. If you don’t, you should get one.
At Whiting Williams we want to help our clients with their current support structures to the extent they exist. Unlike some companies, we are happy to work with your lawyers, accountants, financial planners, and of course, your family.
Relationships are personal. You might begin a new one with a phone call, if you think we have something to offer you.
Level 4, 180 Queen Street Melbourne 3000
GPO Box 3003 Melbourne 3001

David Whiting
03 9020 4600

Marie Whiting
Client Advocate
03 9020 4600
Level 4, 180 Queen Street Melbourne 3000
GPO Box 3003 Melbourne 3001

David Whiting
03 9020 4600

Marie Whiting
Client Advocate
03 9020 4600